A Unique Spiritual Documentary - Tuning In
This was the official website for the unique spiritual documentary, Tuning In, the result of 10 years of inquiry into the phenomenon of spirit channeling by filmmaker David Thomas.
Content is from the site's 2008 -2009 archived pages as well as from other sources.
Channeling is a practice dating back to antiquity wherein an individual, usually in a trance state, makes a psychic connection with a spirit being. The channeler is then able to act as a dimensional go-between in bringing other humans in contact with the entity, as well as interpreting messages from the entity.
For the very first time, six of America's prominent channelers are featured in the same film in order to gain insight into the phenomenon, as well as the information being received. The entities coming through each with a strong and distinct personality were interviewed at length by the filmmaker and the result is remarkable: across space and time it appears the entities are speaking as one, delivering a clear and profound message of empowerment for humankind.
"As an apprentice soundman, I worked on this film for almost all of the shoots. I was very suspicious of the motives of the participants at the start, but having chatted with just about all the players, I became enthralled with them. They are genuine in their grasp of the special gifts they each possess. I've had many long conversations about all aspects of their work and many, like Jon Votte, are deeply into philosophical topics like existence and God. I learned from Jon about the ancient thinkers and how the logical arguments extended from the concepts of "nothing" to proofs that God did or did not exist. He sent me a link to a fascinating post that discusses the many aspects of "nothing" in ways that I've never read before. Working on this film has opened my eyes to worlds beyond my former life that are captivating in and of themselves. In this way this film is a both a spiritual journey and a powerful window into another realm that deserves your attention." Roger Sherman
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Lee Carroll
Channel for Kryon
Lee Carroll is the co-author of The Indigo Children books which have sold half a million copies worldwide in 24 languages. He has channeled a master consciousness named Kryon since 1981.
Shawn Randall
Channel for Torah
Shawn Randall is based in Los Angeles and has been channeling a self-described "multidimensional consciousness no longer choosing to incarnate" by the name of Torah since 1983.
Geoffrey Hoppe
Channel for Tobias
Geoffrey Hoppe, located in Coal Creek, Colorado, began a dialog with a nonphysical being identifying itself as Tobias in 1997. He has since become a channel for Tobias.
Wendy Kennedy
Channel for the Pleiadian Collective
Wendy Kennedy began experiencing automatic writing in the early 90s, which led to her discovery of channeling. For the past 15 years she has channeled an entity called the Pleiadian Collective.
Darryl Anka
Channel for Bashar
Darryl Anka, based in Woodland Hills, CA has been channeling an aspect of his higher, or "future", self under the name Bashar for 21 years.
John Cali
Channel for Chief Joseph
John Cali, in Cody, Wyoming, first met his spirit guide Chief Joseph in 1992. It took him many years before he became comfortable enough to channel publicly.
For the very first time, six of Americaís prominent channelers are featured in the same film in order to gain insight into the phenomenon, as well as the information being received. The entities coming throughóeach with a strong and distinct personalityówere interviewed at length by the filmmaker and the result is remarkable: across space and time it appears the entities are speaking as one, delivering a clear and profound message of empowerment for humankind.
2014 Update
Tuning In Now by David Thomas
David Thomas, the filmmaker of the popular Tuning In movie a few years ago, continues to move forward on his brand-new successor film, Tuning In Now.
The channeled material I have been delving into for years now is amazingly consistent: we are masters who have not quite realized it, we are powerful but limit ourselves with errant thought and action, this lifetime is more significant than most others we’ve had.
If this is the basic message, told to us again and again in different ways and voices, what really is the necessity of another “Tuning In” movie, or more channeling at all?
It’s a legitimate question, and one I believe I can answer.
Because we are scraping off centuries upon centuries of fear, faulty teaching and tar-like energy, and it takes the gentle scrubbing (sometimes not so gentle) of wise channeled bristles to get the job done. The barnacles of fetid energy cling tenaciously to our human hulls and cannot be removed with a single cleansing.
So we return again and again, each new message burrowing deeper into our marrow. Watch a profound offering like “Tuning In Now”. Rinse. Repeat.
We are playing a game of Russian nesting dolls with ourselves, going further and further, excising layer upon layer. In the process, sometimes jobs, relationships and ways of life fall by the wayside, sloughed off snakeskin. We solider on, not truly knowing where we are going, but realizing innately it’s too late to turn back now. We couldn’t even if we tried.
So the value in a movie like the one I’m doing is in this deeper delving, which facilitates a spit-shining of soul. I notice some may disagree since we have not yet raised enough money to actually shoot the film. I will continue with the crowdfunding until the goal is met, so please check out the new campaign.
Tuning In Movie and Book by David Thomas
By John Cali
Many of you will remember David Thomas’ movie, Tuning In, released several years ago. After he released the movie, David wrote a book, Tuning In: A Journalist. 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side.
There is now a French translation of the book. I know not all of you read French. But if you do you might want to take a look at the book.
There’s also a second French translation. It’s a collection of 300 quotations from the original book.
Below is David’s introduction to the original Tuning In book, published March 1, 2011.
David Thomas
I embarked on making the documentary “Tuning In” three years ago with the sole (and soul) intent of spreading the profound messages of six amazing channelers. The process was a delight, the finished product well-received. That’s where I assumed the journey would end.
But the wise Universe had other plans. Seemingly ‘out of the blue,’ I was contacted by Deepak Chopra’s literary agent who said she thought an expanded version of the film would make a fine book. Of course I had no problem agreeing with her.
After writing a proposal, she took the cow to market and we got a deal with Hampton Roads, the publishing house that gave the world all those wonderful Conversations With God books. So I plunked myself down at the keyboard and wrote. You will be able to read this tome beginning March 1 via bookstores and Amazon.
The book features the complete transcripts of the six interviews I did with Geoffrey Hoppe (and his counterpart Tobias), Lee Carroll (Kryon), Darryl Anka (Bashar), Wendy Kennedy (Pleiadian Collective), John Cali (Spirit) and Shawn Randall (Torah). Most of the book is comprised of these Q and As, but it also tells of my own path: how I discovered channeling, how my journey progressed, and the adventure of making the movie.
It’s quite a powerful and profound read. I thought you might want to get a taste for yourself, so excerpts follow. And I also wanted to mention that the sequel to “Tuning In,” with seven new channelers and all new topics, will be available beginning February 10th at tuninginmovie.com.
From the book intro:
“As our evolution speeds up, as we in a sense ascend, the veil between our physical existence and the spirit world thins. Before we incarnated, we asked our non-physical friends to remind us of who we really are and to keep us on track in this tricky arena of duality. That is why more and more spirit channelers are popping up all over the globe because we have asked for help in navigating the age we have entered, which some have termed “The Great Shift.” There is a silent revolution of consciousness afoot, and more channeled information is a part of it. We are evolving quickly and spirits are coming through to offer guidance, advice, and unconditional love from a broader perspective. With our once-robust economy now anemic and many people feeling downtrodden, confused, and scared, such information couldn’t be more timely.”
From Tobias:
“I’m going to simplify this for you. And perhaps some may think the answer is a bit terse, but: just get over it. You’re wallowing in your own self-pity, you’ve set up an energy of being a victim. A victim of life, a victim of other people. You’re allowing them to steal your energy and to steal your heart and your consciousness. You’re in a type of trap, and you’re letting it happen. You decide one day when you’re getting out of bed or one night when you’re taking a walk that you’re just going to get over it. You’re going to stop letting others take from you, and you’re going to stop taking from other people as well. You’re going to be whole and sovereign. It is truly that simple.
From Bashar:
“Passion, excitement, joy, love, that sensation in the body, that excitement in the body, that sense of balance and peace in the body, is the body’s physical translation of the vibratory frequency that represents your true, natural, core, original self. The self you were actually created by creation to be.”
From Kryon:
“Magnificent, all of you. My definition of God are the ones I sit in front of. You want God to be one thing, for you are in 3D. You want to worship God, for you are in 3D. I tell you this: The day you start suppressing what you’ve been told and opening the door to what God really is, in will come God, and it’ll have your face on it.
From the Pleiadian Collective:
“From the higher perspective, you know, pain serves its purpose. It is a catalyst for change because if you were happy and content all the time you probably wouldn’t move, would you? No. So it serves as a catalyst, and we will tell you pain is perception, nothing more.”
From Torah:
“So the Law of Attraction has been oversimplified and we would suggest that it’s far more intricate than it’s often made out to be in its more popular version these days. So we always say to people, ‘Okay, Law of Attraction, it’s a wonderful thing, but go deeper, look farther, understand the complexity of what frequency is all about. Understand the complexity of your own consciousness and your subconscious agendas, your subconscious beliefs. Understand them and if some of them need changing, set about to change them.'”
From Spirit:
“So anytime you’re doing anything that does not feel good to you, or that does not resonate with you even if it is a job that’s paying you thousands, and hundreds of thousands of dollars, if it’s something you really dislike, you’re doing yourself a great disservice and you’re distancing yourself more and more from your higher self. You can’t disconnect from your higher self, but you can certainly get out of alignment from your higher self, and that’s what’s happening with so many people today.”
And some of my own conclusions:
“None of the channeled entities are more powerful than we are. Let’s be clear: we are making it possible to have heaven on Earth, though since we are in the embryonic stages it perhaps doesn’t exactly seem like nirvana just yet. Our non-physical friends have answered our call to remind us of who we really are, yes, but we are the ones who are melding flesh and spirit, that are becoming human lighthouses. We are realizing all our self-imposed prisons have only shadows for bars.
“The New Game has begun and this time we play nicer. The future is a blank page, and for not much longer will we dip our pens into blood-filled inkwells. This time, this glorious time on this glorious gift of a planet, we write in light.”
Goodreads Reviews
Deb 7/03/12
**/ 5 It was ok
Shelves: spirit-metaphysics
I am not a writer and should not think to comment on someone's writings, but I am a reader and know what I like. Luckily the book is mostly the transcriptions of interviews with channeled entities. In the short sections that the author speaks there is nothing but cliches and overused metaphors. Not a straight sentence in the bunch. Hard to read through.
Overall though, the messages given by the channeled entities were worth reading. Believe or not, what they have to say is good food for thought about life, god, and the importance of sex.
Dan 1/09/15
***** it was amazing
A great introduction to channeling and channellers. Wonderful book with interviews of people who can 'channel'. Whether it is plausible is hard to tell but the information given propelled me to investigate truth and my inner being and for that I am utterly grateful to this book and the things it has made clear to me.